
Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Hertfordshire IQ is the trading name of Hertfordshire’s Enterprise Zone. Hertfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership (Hertfordshire LEP) is the lead partner of Hertfordshire IQ. Herts LEP processes personal data in order to provide its services effectively.

We may collect personal information from you in the following ways:

  • paper, electronic or online forms
  • email
  • telephone
  • website
  • face-to-face, through one of our employees or partners

We collect personal and business data to enable us to deliver our services. This includes:

  • Your personal contact details or business contact details
  • Details of your business
  • Details of your enquiries

We will use your personal information for a limited number of purposes and at all times in accordance with the principles set out in data protection legislation. We process personal data:

  • In our legitimate interests to provide the services required or where you have consented to the processing of your information
  • to allow us to communicate effectively with you
  • to monitor and improve our performance and the delivery of our services

Cookie Policy

Our website automatically logs some information about your visit such as your browser type and the length of your visit. We use this information to understand how visitors interact with the site so we can make informed decisions about design improvements. Our website does not collect any personal information about you.

We use Google Analytics to help us understand how people use our website to ensure we offer the best content and user experience for our customers. This information is collected anonymously and we cannot identify you personally from the data. Hertfordshire LEP is the data controller for this information. Third parties we link to may collect personal data.

You have a number of rights over the data we collect and hold about you.

  • You have the right to be informed about what information we hold about you and how we use it.
  • You have the right to request copies of any information we hold about you by making a subject access request.
  • If information we hold about you is factually inaccurate you have the right to have it corrected.
  • You have the right to object to the way we are using your data.
  • You have the right to request that your data is deleted. However we may be unable to delete your data if there is a need for us to keep it. In this case you will receive an explanation of why we need to keep the data.
  • You can also request that we stop using your data while we consider a request to have it corrected or deleted. There may be some circumstances in which we are unable to do this however we will provide an explanation if this is the case.
  • In certain circumstances you may also request data we hold about you in a format that allows it to be transferred to another organisation.
  • In the event that decisions are taken using automated processes you have the right to request that these decisions are reviewed by a member of staff and to challenge these decisions.

If you would like to request copies of your data, request that your data is deleted or have any other queries in relation to data which the Council holds about you please contact

If you are unhappy with the way that Hertfordshire LEP has used your data or with the way we have responded to a request you also have the right to contact the Information Commissioner’s Office:

Hertfordshire County Council is the accountable body for Hertfordshire LEP.

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You also agree to share above submitted data with us to comply with GDPR regulation*